Glendale Dog Bite Lawyer

Unfortunately, many people are hurt because of dog owners' carelessness, and the victim is left not knowing what they can do to hold them liable for their actions. Dog bite attacks are more common than we think; sometimes, the attack is fatal.

Are you the victim of a dog attack, or did you lose a loved one to pet owner negligence?

At Arzoomanian Law, our personal injury attorneys are legal advocates for injured victims and fight aggressively to ensure they receive maximum compensation for their damages.

Contact a Glendale personal injury attorney at Arzoomanian Law or use the contact form today to schedule a free consultation.


Victims May Be Able to Obtain Compensation for Their Losses

Under the law, the first way you can receive compensation is through a lawsuit filed against the owner/guardian of the dog.

The second option for compensation involves filing a dog bite case with your homeowner's insurance policy if you have damages. The final way consists of filing a claim through a third-party insurer (if you have health insurance that covers dog bites).

An owner cannot claim as a defense that they did not know that the animal was dangerous.

Negligence Per Se That Lead to Dog Bites

●      A dog owner who fails to properly secure their animal by keeping them on a leash when in public places will likely be held legally responsible if their animal causes a dog bite injury to someone else.

●      A homeowner who fails to warn about a dangerous animal they know is on their property may be liable for injuries sustained by another person.

●      A landlord who knows that their tenants' dogs are a danger and does nothing to prevent dog bite attacks may be held accountable for injuries caused by their tenants' dogs.

At Arzoomanian Law, our Glendale legal team understands how difficult it can be to recover from a dog bite injury.

Dog Bite Laws

States vary as to how they legislate dangerous dog breeds. In Glendale, the Animal Control Act states that owners of any dog involved in a severe attack must have their dogs euthanized.

If the dog has previously attacked someone, it must be kept behind a 6-ft fence and marked with signs warning people that a dangerous animal is on the property.

Dog Bite Injury Lawsuits

When you are the victim of a dog attack, your best course is to contact a Glendale personal injury lawyer who knows how to file dog bite lawsuits.

You should also report the incident to Animal Control st the dog can be tested for rabies if it's not up to date on its shots.

Animal Control can also find out if the dog has a previous history of aggression to know what you are dealing with and how to protect yourself when necessary.

When a dog's owner fails to adhere to their duty to keep others safe from their dog, the owner must take responsibility for their actions. Legislation provides strong protections for individuals who are injured in a dog bite attack.

The owners of any dogs involved in an attack should be responsible for paying any medical bills or lost wages that result from the incident.

Adult and Child Dog Bite Victims

Dog bite victims are not limited to adults. If a dog has attacked your child, you have every right to hold the owner accountable for their negligent actions in allowing this attack to take place.

Victims must immediately seek medical attention when one of these incidents occurs. Dog bites can cause serious injury and sometimes even death. In addition, in fatal dog attacks, the parents of the children who have been killed may wish to seek compensation for their loss.

Dealing With a Dog Bite Injuries or Animal Attack

If you have been attacked by a dog or bitten by an animal, you must seek medical attention immediately. Dog bites can cause severe injury that requires immediate medical attention.

You must keep the injury clean to prevent an infection if you have a dog bite. Even if there are no open wounds, you should seek medical attention since many dogs carry bacteria and other diseases.

Although animals are not malicious creatures by nature, the unfortunate reality is that they do not filter for their aggression. It only takes one wrong moment to change your life forever and cause emotional trauma, so you must take all precautions to avoid dog bite injuries.

File a Glendale Dog Bite Claim

After a dog bite has occurred, you may have concerns about whether or not you need to file a claim with your insurance company. While some believe their claim will be denied because the bite occurred due to an animal, this is often a personal injury case.

The truth is that your insurance company does not care why a dog or another animal attacked you. They would cover medical treatment and medical bills up to your policy limits if you were bitten.

Hire a Glendale Dog Bite Lawyer to Resolve an Animal Attack Compensation Case

Arzoomanian Law represents victims of dog attacks who live in Glendale. If an animal has attacked you or a loved one, call our Glendale law firm or use the contact form here to schedule a free consultation.

A dog bite lawyer from our team will help you through the process.Our legal team accepts all personal injury cases and wrongful death lawsuits through contingency fee agreements.

This agreement ensures you pay nothing until your case is resolved through a negotiated settlement or jury trial award.