Glendale DUI Accident Lawyer

Being charged with DUI can be a scary situation. If you’ve been pulled over for drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs, you need a skilled Glendale DUI lawyer by your side.

Arzoomanian Law offers several experienced DUI attorneys who will listen to your tale and take your side. We can often get the charges reduced or removed. Our goal is to provide you with the finest possible outcome.

Our criminal defense team represents both first-time offenders and repeat offenders. Our Glendale criminal defense attorneys will provide you with a free consultation about your case, and we can meet with you in the police station, the hospital, or wherever you need us. A DUI lawyer in Glendale can assist you in presenting your legal case and taking the necessary procedures to keep your driver's license from being suspended following a DUI charge.


Blood Alcohol Content Levels

Glendale has a blood alcohol content (BAC) limit of .08% for when you’re driving a motor vehicle. If your BAC is above that level, you will be charged with driving under the influence (DUI). However, other limits have been set by legislature in addition to the .08% rule.

●      Commercial Vehicle Drivers: Must have a BAC below .04%

●      Drivers Under the Age of 21: Must have a BAC below .01%

Refusing a breathalyzer test to ascertain your BAC may result in a one-year suspension of your driver's license. It is sometimes preferable to take the test since an experienced DUI attorney in Glendale can challenge the results.

Possible DUI Penalties

DUI punishments vary depending on whether this is your first offense and other factors. While a first violation may be classified as a misdemeanor, successive offenses may be classified as felonies, with severe consequences. Remember that if you drive for a living, you could lose your job in addition to facing legal consequences. 

The penalties for driving while under the influence of narcotics are similar to those for a DUI conviction. The gravity of the charges will be influenced by aggravating factors such as causing an accident while driving under the influence, especially if property is damaged or a person is hurt or killed during the incident.

If someone is killed while you are driving under the influence, you may be charged with DUI manslaughter or even DUI murder if it can be proven you were aware of the potential consequences of your actions. That’s why it’s important to speak with a Glendale DUI attorney as soon as possible to understand the full ramifications of the charges against you and prepare a legal defense.

Can I keep my driver’s license?

It is usually not until after people are arrested for a Glendale DUI that they realize they may lose their license for a while. The moment DUI defendants are booked, the police will confiscate their driver’s license and replace it with a temporary one that is valid for only a month.

Defendants should retain defense counsel immediately at this point. This is due to the fact that the Department of Motor Vehicles only gives ten days from the date of the arrest to request a hearing to contest the suspension.

DMV hearings are similar to trials on a smaller scale: Evidence can be provided, witnesses can be cross-examined, and defense attorneys can usually appear on behalf of defendants, removing the need for them to appear. Even if the DMV court suspends the defendant's license for a first-time DUI violation, the defendant can normally continue driving provided an ignition interlock device (IID) is installed.

Potential Defense Against a DUI Charge Used by a DUI Attorney

There are several legal defenses our criminal defense team will explore in your case. These include:

●      You were not “under the influence” of drugs or alcohol.

●      A mental or physical condition such as anxiety or exhaustion made you appear to be under the influence.

●      The administration and/or collection of the breathalyzer or blood or urine samples were mishandled or done incorrectly.

●      And more, depending on the individual circumstances of your case.

Talk to a Glendale DUI Attorney At Arzoomanian Law for Free

If you or a loved one is facing DUI or other traffic charges, you will need the assistance of an experienced Glendale DUI attorney to help you navigate the judicial system.  

For a free case review with a DUI lawyer near me in Glendale, call Arzoomanian Law or fill out our contact form. When it comes to criminal defense law, we're here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.