Pasadena Personal Injury Lawyer

It can be a life-altering event when someone suffers a personal injury due to someone else's negligence. Often, people are left with physical and emotional scars that can last a lifetime.  

In some cases, the injuries caused are so severe that the victim cannot work or enjoy life as they did before the accident. If you or someone you know has been injured, speak to our experienced personal injury lawyers from our Arzoomanian Law team. They can help you understand your rights and seek the fair compensation you deserve.

Contact our trial lawyers to schedule a free consultation. All confidential or sensitive information you share with our Pasadena personal injury attorneys remains private through an attorney-client relationship.


What Is a Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury is a physical or emotional injury that you or your loved one suffer due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act. Personal injuries can range from mild to catastrophic and can include everything from a bruise to paralysis.

Some of the most common causes of personal injuries are car accidents, slips and falls, workplace injuries, nursing home abuse, and product defects. 

If you have been injured because of someone's negligence, you may be able to file a claim to recover damages with the appropriate legal representation. Damages can include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other losses you have suffered due to the injury.

Contact our Pasadena personal injury lawyers to discuss your case to see if you can file a compensation claim.


Types of Pasadena Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Each year, our affiliated personal injury attorneys at Armazoonian Law help injured individuals and their families receive the compensation they need and deserve following an accident or injury. Our team has extensive experience in a wide range of situations, including:


●      Car crashes

●      Car wreck

●      Truck accidents

●      Motorcycle accidents

●      Slip and fall accident

●      Workplace injuries

●      Construction accidents

●      Medical malpractice

●      Defective medications

●      Product liability injuries

●      Premises liability

●      Pedestrian accidents

●      Nursing home abuse and neglect

●      Employment claims

●      Electrical fires

●      Explosions

●      Wrongful death

●      Other careless acts

Automobile Accidents and Personal Injury Cases

Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of death and injury in the United States. Every year, more than two million people are injured in car crashes, and more than 30,000 die. Most of these accidents are preventable, and many are caused by driver error.

One common type of driver error is called “distracted driving.” Distracted driving can refer to anything that takes a driver’s attention away from the road, including talking on the phone, texting, eating, or adjusting the radio.

Drowsy driving can occur when a driver has not had enough sleep, feels ill, or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Many factors can contribute to an auto accident, including:

●      Poor road conditions

●      Speeding

●      Reckless driving

●      Failing to yield

●      Not obeying traffic laws

If you or a loved one has been in a personal injury, do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We will provide the best legal services and see your legal process through fair compensation.

Pasadena Personal Injury Attorneys Filing a Car Accident Claim

An automobile accident can be a traumatic experience and can leave you with physical and emotional injuries. You may be entitled to compensation if you are injured in an auto accident caused by another person’s negligence.

 The first step in filing an auto accident claim is to contact an experienced personal injury attorney. Your attorney will review the facts of your case and determine whether you have a valid lawsuit.

 The time limit for filing a car accident claim varies from state to state, so it is essential to consult with an attorney immediately after the accident.

 Contact an experienced personal injury attorney today to discuss your legal options if you have been involved in a car accident. You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages.

What Are Some Defense Tactics Used by Insurance Companies?

The primary purpose of an insurance adjuster tactic is for them to pay as little as possible. Insurance adjusters may try a variety of defense tactics to avoid paying injury claims.

●      They may argue that someone went to the doctor too quickly or waited too long.

●      They can claim that the crash could not have caused the injury.

●      They can say that the person is healing too slowly or that the wounds are already present.

Your attorney will negotiate with the insurance company to reach a fair settlement if you have a valid claim.


The insurance company may have their personal injury law firm representing them and be unwilling to offer a fair settlement. Especially in this scenario, it is crucial to have legal counsel you can trust and feel comfortable with because your attorney may file a lawsuit on your behalf.

How Long Does It Take to Receive A Settlement?

Your attorney will evaluate the release that the insurance provider typically drafts after everyone has agreed to the settlement's conditions to ensure that it appropriately represents the terms of the agreement.

After that is complete, they go over the release agreement with you, and once that is signed and executed, depending on who is writing the check, it may take a few days to a few months for a check to be delivered. The cases that take the longest involve payments from the federal government.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice often occurs when doctors, healthcare providers, and other medical professionals provide substandard care, resulting in patient harm. Every year in the United States, thousands of individuals are injured through medical malpractice that leaves life-altering or deadly injuries.

Medical malpractice is professional negligence by act or omission by a health care provider in which the treatment falls below the accepted standard of practice in the medical community and causes injury or death to the patient, with most injury cases involving medical error.

These injuries occur in various ways, including:

●      A misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose: Inaccurately diagnosing a condition or not diagnosing at all can cause the health problem to degrade, sometimes to a life-threatening illness.

●      Delaying a diagnosis: Some doctors fail to follow established diagnostic protocols and use a “wait and see” approach to watch what's happening with the medical condition. Waiting too long can lead to a catastrophic outcome.

●      Botched surgeries: Surgeries are complex procedures with many opportunities for something to go wrong. A surgeon could mistake cutting, suturing, or operating on the patient.

●      Anesthesia errors: Anesthesiologists are responsible for keeping patients safe and comfortable during surgery. They sometimes make medication errors that can lead to severe complications or even death.

●      Birth injuries: Unfortunately, some babies are injured during the birthing process. These injuries could be the result of a doctor's mistake or negligence.

●      Medication errors: Doctors and other healthcare providers sometimes prescribe the wrong medication or dosage, which can cause serious side effects or an allergic reaction.

●      Failure to obtain informed consent: Doctors must explain the risks and benefits of a proposed treatment or surgery to their patients. It could be considered medical malpractice if they fail to do so and the patient is harmed.

These are just some of the ways that medical malpractice can occur. If you or a loved one has been injured due to medical negligence, it's essential to understand your legal rights and options. An experienced medical malpractice lawyer can review your case and help determine if you have a claim.

Why Hire a Lawyer To File Your Claim?

Specialists in this field of law handle matters from the first stages through the appellate process. They perform tasks similar to most litigators. They investigate allegations, compile data, develop legal theories, and review case law. The role includes interviewing and deposing witnesses and drafting pleadings, motions, and discovery requests.

Even though these activities aid trial preparation, the work must be completed. Before and throughout the trial,  attorneys fight for their clients' rights. It may entail mentoring them and overcoming barriers posed by their adversaries and the judicial system.


They will first evaluate your case to decide how to best defend you by:

●      Determine the extent of your injuries and the events that led to the negligence

●      Investigate the accident scene

●      Ask witnesses questions and for documents

●      Work with health professionals

●      Examine records, images, and videos

●      Work with professionals who can recreate the accident site

What Damages Can I Recover in a Lawsuit?

Your injury claim for compensation should consider current and future damages to help with your full recovery after an accident.

Financial losses that frequently occur in personal injury claims include:

●      Lost wages, including that from salaries, benefits, income, and other sources

●      Medical costs and bills, including those for physicians, facilities, therapy, etc.

●      Prescription drugs and medical supplies

●      The cost of personal care or at-home medical care

●      Assistance with household duties

●      The cost of getting to and from medical appointments

●      Claims for property damage

Hire a Pasadena Personal Injury Lawyer from Armazoonian Law

Are your injuries a result of another person's negligence? Do you need to file an insurance claim to seek compensation for your severe injuries?

The Pasadena injury lawyers at our legal offices have been representing clients harmed by negligence and abuse. Contact us for a free case evaluation; our team will provide you with the best personal injury lawyer.

Our legal team accepts all injury claims, malpractice lawsuits, and wrongful death cases on a contingency fee basis. This arrangement ensures our Pasadena only has upfront charges for legal service once. Their attorneys resolve their cases through negotiated settlements and jury awards.