San Fernando Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured in an accident, seeking legal help from specialized personal injury lawyers is essential. A San Fernando personal injury attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

The personal injury attorneys at Arzoomanian Law will work with you to file a claim and negotiate a settlement with the insurance company or at-fault party. If you need legal assistance, contact a personal injury lawyer today.

We handle all civil legal cases involving serious accidents and injuries for residents and visitors of San Fernando. Our lawyers encourage you to schedule an appointment today to discuss your case with our legal team.


Filing a Personal Injury Claim or Lawsuit

A personal injury lawsuit is filed against a company or individual who causes harm to others through negligence, such as failing to maintain safe premises, providing faulty products, providing medical treatment, or driving recklessly and causing a car accident.

Four elements are required to establish liability in a personal injury case: duty, breach, causation, and damages.

●      Duty refers to whether the defendant owes you a legal obligation.

●      Breach refers to whether the defendant failed to perform their obligations.

●      Causation refers to whether the defendant’s failure led to your injuries.

●      Damages refer to how much money you deserve to recover from your injuries.

Successively Resolving Personal Injury Cases

To prevail in a personal injury lawsuit, you must show that the defendant breached their duty of care to you. It requires proving that the defendant had a legal responsibility to protect you from harm and that they failed to meet this responsibility.

The second element of proof is showing that the defendant’s breach of duty caused your injuries. To demonstrate this, you must provide evidence that you wouldn’t have been injured without the defendant's negligence.

For instance, if you slipped on ice and broke your leg, you might argue that the city’s negligence caused your injuries.

The third element of proof is establishing that the defendant's breach of duty was a substantial factor in causing your injuries. This means that the defendant's conduct played a role in bringing about your injuries. For example, if the city’s sidewalk cracked, you might argue that this defect contributed to your fall.

Finally, the fourth element of proof is demonstrating that you sustained actual damages. Actual damages include medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and punitive damages.

Common Personal Injury Cases

An experienced personal injury attorney handles civil tort cases in numerous practice areas, including:

Car Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents are common causes of injuries and death. They often involve multiple parties and complex legal issues. In addition, there are many ways to determine responsibility for an accident.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you understand what occurred and how to proceed in your personal injury case.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers' compensation insurance protects employees against injuries sustained while working.

If you are injured at work, you could receive medical treatment, temporary disability payments, permanent disability payments, wrongful death benefits, and even lifetime income replacement benefits.

Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse

Personal injury lawyers help families sue nursing homes and assisted living facilities for negligence and other forms of abuse. The Nursing Home Care Act governs nursing home abuse cases in San Fernando. Under the law, nursing homes must provide adequate care for residents to prevent them from suffering abuse or neglect.

Slip and Fall Accidents

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five people who slip or trip suffers a severe injury. These accidents are common in public places like malls, restaurants, grocery stores, schools, offices, and even homes.

If you slip and fall, knowing what steps to take next is essential. You should immediately seek medical attention. Afterward, you must look for our personal injury attorneys.

Medical Malpractice

Medical professionals sometimes cause mistakes, misdiagnoses, or fail to provide care. Their negligence could lead to the patient's declining health and well-being. When this happens, the injured person may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit.

Product Liability

Companies must ensure their products are safe for consumers before release. Companies that produce dangerous or defective products can be held legally responsible for any injuries resulting from their use.

Product liability cases involve complex legal issues and require specialized knowledge and experience from someone practicing personal injury law for many years with a proven track record of obtaining results.

Dog Bites

Dog owners are responsible for controlling their animals’ behavior. The owner may be liable for medical costs and damages if a dog bites or injures someone. Victims of dog attacks can recover compensation from the animal's owner.

Construction Accidents

Construction workers take risks every day on construction sites. If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you may be entitled to compensation from your employer or another party responsible.

Premises Liability

Businesses, landlords, and other property owners must maintain a safe environment. If someone is injured on their property due to negligence, they may be liable for damages.

Birth Injury

Medical personnel sometimes cause birth injuries due to negligence or malpractice. These injuries could lead to a lifetime of physical, emotional, and financial hardship for the family. Contact our lawyers today if your child has suffered a birth injury due to medical negligence.

Defective Medical Devices

In some cases, medical devices may be defective. Some devices include vaginal and hernia mesh products. In some cases, the product fails and causes severe pain and complications.

The manufacturing company could be liable for damages if a patient suffers an injury because of the device’s ineffectiveness.

Personal Injury Damages in San Fernando

In San Fernando, personal injury damages are awarded based on the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries.

In addition to compensating victims for their injuries, personal injury lawyers work to ensure that insurance companies pay out fair settlements. Contact our law firm today if you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence.

What are the damages in a personal injury claim?

Damages include pain, suffering, disability, disfiguration, scarring, reduced earnings capacity, mental anguish, lost enjoyment of life, loss of consortium, etc. They are meant to compensate victims for losses caused by another person’s negligence or wrongful conduct.

In many personal injury cases, putting a dollar amount on such damages is difficult because they cannot easily be quantified. However, an experienced personal injury lawyer will help you understand what you could be entitled to receive.

For example, suppose you suffered a broken leg while crossing the street. In that case, you may be able to collect compensation for medical bills, physical therapy costs, future care needs, and even lost wages.

What is my personal injury case worth?

How much compensation you receive depends upon many different factors. Insurance companies often offer you less than you are entitled to under the law.

An excellent personal injury lawyer should be willing to explain everything about your case to you. They should be able to answer questions about the process, how long it takes, and what steps you must take next.

Your personal injury lawyer should be prepared to give you a detailed estimate of what you could recover before filing suit—this way, you know exactly what you stand to lose if you don't hire a lawyer.

Insurance companies often try to pay as little as possible to avoid paying claims altogether. If you do not have a personal injury lawyer working on your behalf, you might get less than you deserve.

Financial Compensation

San Fernando personal injury lawyers can determine the case's value and gather evidence to support the claim. The victim of a severe vehicle accident that was not their fault can expect to receive financial compensation to cover a variety of expenses that include:

●      Past & ongoing medical bills

●      The costs of all future medical rehabilitation, physical therapy, procedures, and treatments to help the healing process of injuries directly resulting from the accident

●      All lost wages

●      Any future earnings lost because of the injury

●      Mental anguish

●      Pain and suffering

Choosing The Right Personal Injury Attorney For Your Case

Personal injury lawyers help people injured due to someone else's negligence. They know what evidence needs to be collected and presented in court. They know how to negotiate settlements with insurance companies. And they know how to ensure you receive total compensation for your injuries.

If you've been hurt because of someone else's carelessness, contact a San Fernando personal injury lawyer at Arzoomanian Law. We understand civil tort laws and procedures in filing claims and can provide expert advice on what to do next.

Hiring Personal Injury Lawyers: Seeking Reputable Legal Counsel in San Fernando

We are a personal injury law firm based out of San Fernando. Our practice areas include personal injury, medical malpractice, car accidents, dog bites, fall accidents, nursing home abuse, workers' compensation, social security disability, wrongful death, and many others.

Contact our personal injury law firm today if you suffered injuries due to someone else's negligence.

Our attorneys at Arzoomanian Law are dedicated to representing injured clients to obtain just compensation under the law for their physical and emotional pain.

We understand how difficult it can be to deal with the insurance company, doctors, hospitals, and other professionals involved in your case.

We take great care in ensuring that all injury victims receive personalized attention from a personal injury lawyer from our law firm throughout the process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.